
The following legislation was approved by the Garrettsville Village Council on December 11, 2024:

ORD 2024-36 An Ordinance To Make Appropriations For Current Expenses And Expenditures For The Village Of Garrettsville, State Of Ohio, During The Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2025.

ORD 2024-37 An Ordinance Authorizing The Mayor To Enter Into A Purchase Agreement With Ruth C. Sheehan For The Purchase Of Land, And Declaring An Emergency.  

The complete text of each ordinance or resolution may be obtained or viewed during regular business hours at the office of the Garrettsville Village Fiscal Officer, 8213 High Street, Garrettsville, Ohio, and may also be viewed at the following public posting locations approved by the Garrettsville Village Council:

1. In the foyer of the Fiscal Officer's office at Garrettsville Village Hall;

2. On the bulletin board outside of the Garrettsville Police Department.