Starting A Business?
Opening A New Business In Garrettsville
Starting a new business or relocating an existing business can involve quite a bit of paperwork. We’ve gathered a list of requirements for the Village of Garrettsville and for Portage County.
For Village of Garrettsville
Submit a Change In Use/Change In Occupancy Application
Submits your business for approval to the Planning Commission. This form must be completed and submitted to theZoning office at least ten days prior to the Planning Commission meeting where your application will be reviewed. Planning Commission meets on the first Thursday of each month.Submit a Sign Permit
Submits your sign for approval to the Zoning Department. This form must be completed and submitted to the Zoning office at least ten days prior to the Planning Commission meeting where your application will be reviewed. Planning Commission meets on the first Thursday of each month.Apply For a Zoning Certificate
Review the Codified Ordinances
Different districts have different zoning requirements. Please review the requirements for your district to ensure that your project is in compliance. If you intend to operate your business within the Preservation District/Central Business District, you can obtain a copy of the historic guidelines and Garrettsville’s Historic Colors from the Zoning office.
For Portage County
Portage County Building Department
This site contains contact information and downloadable forms for Portage County. The specific forms you need depend on the nature of your business and whether you will doing new construction.Review Procedures
Portage County provides procedures to help you determine which other forms to download and submit. If you are moving into an existing building, review the Change of Occupancy procedures. For new contruction or alteration to an existing building, review the Commercial Policy, Application, Plan Review, and Permit Guidelines
Official Village Business Liaison:
Rick Patrick, Mayor
Telephone: 330-687-9637