November 8, 2023 Passed Legislation
The following legislation was approved by the Garrettsville Village Council on November 8, 2023:
ORD 2023-32 An Ordinance Amending The Village Of Garrettsville Employee Handbook Relating Eligibility For Vacation Time.
ORD 2023-35 An Ordinance Amending Various Sections Of Chapter 173 Of The Codified Ordinances of The Village Of Garrettsville Regarding Municipal Income Tax.
Res 2023-36 A Resolution Authorizing A Contract With The Portage County Public Defender For Defense Of Indigent Persons Charged With Jailable Offenses Under The Village Ordinances.
The complete text of each ordinance or resolution may be obtained or viewed during regular business hours at the office of the Garrettsville Village Fiscal Officer, 8213 High Street, Garrettsville, Ohio, and may also be viewed at the following public posting locations approved by the Garrettsville Village Council:
1. In the foyer of the Fiscal Officer’s office at Garrettsville Village Hall;
2. On the bulletin board outside of the Garrettsville Police Department.